Prerequisite: Eclipse and JDK setup
If Eclipse and JDK are not installed, follow this URL.
The software used is as follows.
Eclipse 4.6.x
JDK 1.8.x
Apache Wicket 7.7.x
Apache Tomcat 8.5
Maven & Wicket (optional) Eclipse plug-in
Finally, the project looks like this:
step 1: Install Maven & Apache Wicket Plugin
Go to Eclipse-> Help-> Eclipse Marketplace and search for Maven & Wicket (optional). Install the plug-in. Eclipse will restart as part of the plug-in installation.
Step 2: Download Apache Tomcat
Go to the link below and download a specific Tomcat version (8.5 here). Download the zip file version and unzip the folder to C drive.
Use command prompt to go to the tomcat director –> bin folder and run the startup batch file. You can see that the server is running.
To check the tomcat server – Type http: // localhost: 8080 in your browser.
Step 3: New Maven project
Create a new Maven project –> Create Simple Project – provide the following details:
Step 3: Update pom.xml and web.xml
Your web.xml looks like this:
<web-app xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns = "" xsi: schemaLocation = "http : // "id =" WebApp_ID "version =" 3.1 "> <display- name> MyWebApp </ display-name> <filter> <filter-name> MyWebAppApplication </ filter-name> <filter-class> org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter </ filter-class> <init-param > <param-name> applicationClassName </ param-name> <param-value> com.webapp.WicketApplication </ param-value> </ init-param> </ filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name> MyWebAppApplication </ filter-name> <url-pattern> / * </ url-pattern> </ filter-mapping> </ web-app>
Update Maven pom.xml to download the Tomcat plugin, Apache wicket framework and Junit framework.
Caution : Maven is specified to build the war file <packaging> war </ packaging>.
org.apache.tomcat.maven tomcat7-maven-plugin 2.2 http://localhost:8080/manager/text TomcatServer /MyWebApp --><project xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: schemaLocation = "http: / / "> <modelVersion> 4.0.0 </ modelVersion> <groupId> MyWebApp </ groupId > <artifactId> MyWebApp </ artifactId> <version> 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT </ version> <packaging> war </ packaging> <build> <sourceDirectory> src / main / java </ sourceDirectory> <testSourceDirectory> src / test / java </ testSourceDirectory> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId> maven-compiler-plugin </ artifactId> <version> 3.5.1 </ version> <configuration> <source> 1.8 </ source> <target> 1.8 < / target> </ configuration> </ plugin> <plugin> <artifactId> maven-war-plugin </ artifactId> <version> 3.0.0 </ version> <configuration> <warSourceDirectory> WebContent </ warSourceDirectory> </ configuration > </ plugin> <!-Tomcat Maven plugin to deploy war file-> <plugin> <groupId> org.apache.tomcat.maven </ groupId> <artifactId> tomcat7-maven-plugin </ artifactId> <version > 2.2 </ version> <config uration> <url> http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / text </ url> <server> TomcatServer </ server> <path> / MyWebApp </ path> </ configuration> </ plugin> </ plugins> < / build> <dependencies> <!-Apache Wicket Jars-> <dependency> <groupId> org.apache.wicket </ groupId> <artifactId> wicket-core </ artifactId> <version> 7.7.0 </ version > </ dependency> <!-> <dependency> <groupId> junit </ groupId> <artifactId> junit </ artifactId> <version> 4.12 </ version> <scope> test </ scope> </ dependency> <!-Apache Wicket Testing need this jar-> <dependency> <groupId> javax.servlet </ groupId> <artifactId> javax.servlet-api </ artifactId> <version> 3.0.1 </ version> <scope> provided </ scope> </ dependency> </ dependencies> </ project> org.apache.wicket wicket-core 7.7.0 junit junit 4.12 test javax.servlet javax.servlet-api 3.0.1 provided
Step 5: Create a Wicket Hello World
1. Create This becomes the entry point class when the application starts.
2. Create and LoginPage.html, which are components of the default home page (specified in 3. WebContent –> web.xml in WEB-INF folder
The following
package com.webapp; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; import; public class WicketApplication extends WebApplication {@Override public Class <? extends WebPage> getHomePage () {return LoginPage.class;} @Override public void init () {super.init (); // add your configuration here}} provided below
package; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; / ** * @author Niranjan Velagapudi * * / public class LoginPage extends WebPage {/ ** * * / private static final long serialVersionUID = 5946349607750478191L; public LoginPage () {add (new Label ("message", "Hello World!"));}}
LoginPage.html below
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> <html xmlns = "" xmlns: wicket = " "> <head> <title> Wicket Examples-helloworld </ title> <link rel =" stylesheet "type =" text / css "href =" style.css "/> </ head> <body> <span wicket: id = "message" id = "message"> Message goes here </ span> </ body> </ html>
Web.xml below
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns = "http: // xmlns / xml / ns / javaee "xsi: schemaLocation =" .xsd "id =" WebApp_ID "version =" 3.1 "> <display-name> MyWebApp </ display-name> <filter> <filter-name> MyWebApp </ filter-name> <filter-class> org.apache. wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter </ filter-class> <init-param> <param-name> applicationClassName </ param-name> <param-value> com.webapp.WicketApplication </ param-value> </ init- param> </ filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name> MyWebApp </ filter-name> <url-pattern> / * </ url-pattern> </ filter-mapping> </ web-app>
Step 6: Unit testing with the JUnit framework
An important feature comes with the Apache Wicket framework, which allows you to unitize test markup (HTML view) via JUnits.
Create a TestHomePage class under the src / test / java package as follows:
package; import org.apache.wicket.util.tester.WicketTester; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.webapp.WicketApplication; import; / ** * @author Niranjan Velagapudi * * / public class TestHomePage {private WicketTester tester; @Before public void setUp () {tester = new WicketTester (new WicketApplication ());} @Test public void homepageRendersSuccessfully () {// start and render the test page tester.startPage (LoginPage.class); // assert rendered page class tester.assertRenderedPage (LoginPage.class);}}
Step 7: Configure and deploy Tomcat inside Maven
- Add maven settings.xml to access the Tomcat Server administration page for deployment. This xml will be available in maven user directory.m2
C: \ Users \ .m2 \ settings.xml looks like this:
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <localRepository/> <interactiveMode/> <usePluginRegistry/> <offline/> <pluginGroups/> <servers> <server> <id>TomcatServer</id> <username>admin</username> <password>admin</password> </server> </servers> <mirrors/> <proxies/> <profiles/> <activeProfiles/> </settings>
Finally, the project looks like this:
Using the specific goal “tomcat7: deploy” for the first time, right-click pom.xml and Run As-Maven and redeploy “tomcat7: redeploy”.
If the deployment is successful, the Hello World page should be displayed as follows:
アクセスURL – http://localhost:8080/MyWebApp
Detail is Apache Wicket Web Development See the Category article.
* This article This site Is translated.