Since MongoDB has an opportunity to use it, a summary when installed on Mac for development.


  • Mac: macOS Sierra
  • MongoDB: 3.4.2

Reference site

Installation procedure

Update Homebrew package

$ brew update

mongoDB installation

$ brew install mongodb

MongoDB execution

Recently, the following message appears, and it seems that the "/ data / db" directory must be created by yourself.

Before you start MongoDB for the first time, create the directory to which the mongod process will write data.By default, the mongod process uses the / data / db directory.If you create a directory other than this one, you must specify that directory in the dbpath option when starting the mongod process later in this procedure.

Create data storage directory

$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
$ sudo chmod 777 /data/db


$ mongod


Exit with Control + C

Client-side start command

$ mongo


I want to run MongoDB from Eclipse with Java, so I'll take a look at the next opportunity. . .


By the way, here is helpful for installation of wimdows version.
Install MongoDB (Windows)

In addition, here is helpful for installation of Linax system.
Install MongoDB 3.0 on CentOS 7